Customer Call Center
Open Daily, 8am - 5pm
Dial (831) 425-8600
(Dial 711 for CRS Hearing & Speech Impaired Services)
See Holiday Calendar for specific closures.

We provide:
- Bilingual Customer Service Assistance
- Customer Service Call Kiosk available at WTC 7 days a week, 8am–5pm
- Customer Service Window at River Front Transit Center & WTC Monday-Friday, 8am–5pm
- Bus Route Information
- Trip Planning Assistance
- Discount Photo ID
- Lost & Found Services
- Bus Pass Sales (including CRUZ Cards)
- Bus Pass Mail-Order Forms
- Reloading of new value onto CRUZ Cards
Santa Cruz Transit Center Customer Service Hours
River Front Customer Experience Center
Open Monday - Friday, 8am - 5pm
603 Front St., Downtown Santa Cruz
(831) 425-8600
Watsonville Transit Center Customer Service Hours
WTC Customer Service Window
Open Monday - Friday, 8am - 5pm
Customer Service Call Kiosk 7 days a week, 8am–5pm
475 Rodriguez Street, Downtown Watsonville
(831) 425-8600
We welcome your compliments, suggestions, or complaints about our service.
Please choose the most appropriate report from the list below:
- To report an incident of discrimination:
- To report an ADA 504 complaint:
- To request accessible information:
- Information found on this website can be provided in an alternative format upon request.
- Submit an accessible information request or call Customer Service during business hours.
- METRO will do its best to provide the requested alternative format within a reasonable time.
- To report a Lost & Found item:
- To report a Paratransit issue:
- To report harrassment in a METRO vehicle or facility:
- Submit a Customer Service Report
- When Filling out the form, select "Safety and Security" from the "Help Topic" dropdown menu
- If you wish to report anonymously, call the Customer Call Center at (831)425-8600
- To report all other issues, incidents, questions or commendations related to Santa Cruz METRO:
You may also speak with a representative by phone or in person and they will submit a report on your behalf.
What happens after submitting a report?
- METRO staff will investigate your concerns.
- You may be contacted for additional information.
- When this process is completed, you will be contacted regarding the outcome.
- Allow ten business days for a response.